If you find yourself in financial trouble, you deserve a fresh start. We are here to help you start again financially by determining if bankruptcy is the right choice for you and helping you with the process from beginning to end. We realize that financial difficulties can happen to anyone, and we have helped many people just like you file bankruptcy successfully.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy – When you file under Chapter 7, your unsecured debts, such as medical bills, credit cards, and personal signature loans, will be discharged. In exchange, you nonexempt property may be sold to help offset this debt.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – Known as reorganization or consolidation bankruptcy. When you file under Chapter 13, all of your debts are reorganized into a repayment plan that must be followed for three to five years where you pay a percentage of your unsecured debts. After you successfully completed your plan payments, your remaining unsecured debts will be discharged. This Chapter can also be the answer you are looking for if you are facing foreclosure or repossession.